December 30, 2021
Triggertech Trigger | Product Review
I’ve spent time over the last year learning about and using a newer brand of trigger on my personal rifle. I like the curved shoe trigger from TriggerTech so much, we made the switch to use them on all of our inventory builds at Horizon Firearms. This switch raised a couple of eyebrows and a few folks wanted an explanation, or at least just a legitimate reason for making this move.
December 23, 2021
Atlas Bipod Product Review
The last couple of years I’ve gone on a bit of a bipod expedition. This expedition started for two main reasons. First, I’m a bit of a gear nut when it comes to hunting and shooting equipment, and I like to know about the latest products and technologies that are available. The second is because we get a lot of questions about bipods from customers and the three big ones are: Is a bipod worth buying? How much should I spend on a bipod? What type of bipod do you recommend? I’ve tried any and all bipods I could get my hands on. So I can confidently say that the answer to the first question, “is a bipod worth buying?” is YES.