December 30, 2021
Triggertech Trigger | Product Review
I’ve spent time over the last year learning about and using a newer brand of trigger on my personal rifle. I like the curved shoe trigger from TriggerTech so much, we made the switch to use them on all of our inventory builds at Horizon Firearms. This switch raised a couple of eyebrows and a few folks wanted an explanation, or at least just a legitimate reason for making this move.
December 29, 2021
How To Bore Sight A Rifle
Do you know how to bore sight a rifle? It’s easier than you think and you don’t need any special laser tools. At Horizon Firearms, we shoot every rifle before it ships and we guarantee a .5 MOA accuracy. That means we spend a lot of time at the range and we bore sight a lot of rifles. Follow along with this step-by-step guide of How to Bore Sight a Rifle and you will have your new scope dialed in within just a few shots.
December 23, 2021
Atlas Bipod Product Review
The last couple of years I’ve gone on a bit of a bipod expedition. This expedition started for two main reasons. First, I’m a bit of a gear nut when it comes to hunting and shooting equipment, and I like to know about the latest products and technologies that are available. The second is because we get a lot of questions about bipods from customers and the three big ones are: Is a bipod worth buying? How much should I spend on a bipod? What type of bipod do you recommend? I’ve tried any and all bipods I could get my hands on. So I can confidently say that the answer to the first question, “is a bipod worth buying?” is YES.
December 18, 2021
6 Reasons Your Next Rifle Should Be A 6.5 Creedmoor
If the search results that lead people to our sister website are any indication, 6.5 Creedmoors have been growing in popularity over the last few years. And for very good reason. In fact, we have put together six very good reasons the 6.5 Creedmoor should be your next rifle.
December 12, 2021
Pros And Cons Of A Muzzle Brake
I get a good number of customers who have some really pretty “Safe Queens” at home – beautiful guns that sit on their thrones in the gun safe, but are rarely used. Main reason: recoil. “Man, the recoil is pretty bad.” or “I would shoot it more if it did not kick so bad!” You know who you are … Well thank goodness the muzzle brake was invented!
December 9, 2021
How To Choose A Long Range Shooting Scope
“Hey Derrick, what’s the best long range shooting scope?” This may be one of the most popular questions I answer day in and day out. I honestly feel like it is the hardest possible questions to answer because I really do not feel that there is a good answer.
December 4, 2021
How To Choose A Long Range Caliber
If you have been on Google or on any of the forums in the past 2 hours you know this is a hot and very touchy subject. There are no shortage of opinions – from the super-awesome-know-it-all shooter that says you must have the same caliber he shoots to Joe Hunter who swears he killed a MONSTER deer at a mile away with granddaddy’s old 270 a green and yellow box of ammunition. I am going to do my best to tread this subject and give you some advice you can use. So here it is the answer to all caliber debates …
December 1, 2021
4 Myths About The 22 Creedmoor Shot Down
While the 22 Creedmoor has been a popular topic of discussion in the predator hunting world for many years, it’s just now becoming more mainstream. At Horizon Firearms, we built our first 22 Creedmoor back in mid-2014. We’ve seen the interest in this wildcat caliber grow every year since. If you type “22 Creedmoor” into your search bar you’ll get a lot of links to predator hunting forums with pages and pages of opinions to sift through. You’ll also get photos of 22 Creeds that lead back to Horizon’s website. But truth be told, there’s not a ton of great information out there about the 22 Creedmoor, despite its growing popularity.